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lol my name in this game but i'm a wolf :P but yea mostly white :P wait i can date dragon me O:

Shiro is dating Shiro!


I'm getting the vibe off Shiro of a tough outer shell but soft inside, reminds me of a character called Sissel from the VN Repeat, what I love about these novels is appearances can be deceiving, hope to see more from you, I seen many projects canceled and I am really interested in this one


Thanks for your interest! ^^

I may try Repeat. Don't worry I'm not abandonning my game, but many things happened

(1 edit) (+1)

I know, alot has happened, most due to Covid, chaos happened

Posted an update btw!

Deleted 249 days ago

Thanks! ^^

(7 edits) (+3)

I'm absolutely in love with this visual novel! The story is really fun and interesting and I love the characters a lot! Ritch is my absolute favorite hehe he is so nice and cute and caring ❤️ I enjoyed every second I spent playing it! amazing job!

Will you add color to the sprites?

And will Gogo be dateable too?


hehe thanks! Did you tryed all the routes?

I'm glad you enjoy Ritch so much~

I will color them all yes ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

yeah! I tried all the routes and I also tried most option and ended up finding Gogo's route :3 he is super cute ^^

thanks :3 

I'm surprised at how much the geeky doggo is popular hehe

(2 edits) (+1)

Really? As soon as I saw Gogo when I followed Ritch the first thing I thought was "ok this dog is super cute, people are gonna love him" hahaha. Ritch is still my favorite though. That part in which you have to pick between hug him, pet him or do nothing? I immediately picked the hug and I absolutely adore the outcome ❤️


hehe some people thought the hug would lead to a bad reaction, and picked the pet instead ^^

I like the fact my choices are bringing reflexions like this~


A good start..., but the game seems way too fast paced, skipping some logical steps, jumping around a little.  The already varied expressions are simply cuteness to die for!  Even though you may have self insertion to this, I can only assuming you are portraying your real life personality.  I feel like there should be more detail on what already exists, and least for the start no day skipping.  As is, the immersion is broken when everything is glazed over.  It might be rough right now being the only one working on this, but I am always willing to offer thoughts and opinions on things, this certainly has a lot of protentional.

Also, no idea what your plans are for later in the game, but a personal taste is that I don't exactly enjoy having to be human! XD


Thanks for your opinion! The beginning of the game is fast paced to describe quickly the world you are sent too, and to go directly at the interactions and story ^^


Still, easy there Tiger, er Roo! XD


i'm from brazil,sorry for my english - this game was very good, congratulations! waiting for the update

Thanks ^^

yo i reallylike this but,,,
1: a furr-less monjey xD?
2: i'm glad this is sfw, but i'm especting some romace xD (not nsfw, like a relationship :v)


1) Hehe sorry not sorry~

2) You'll see :)

1) wut?

2) i want to xD 

Is this nsfw?


It's 100% sfw ^^

I knew this question would come up eventually, and I have to say that I for one am glad it’s sfw. There a so many nsfw gay visual novels out there that it’s really refreshing to see vn that is all about fuzzy friendship and bromance. But that’s just my opinion man


I know right! I played a few ones and got the "surprise" to see it was nsfw. I mean, I,m here for the story, not for some yiff. If I want nsfw content, I go on site for that

Hello, when this game will have another update? I'm still waiting :)


Hi! Thank you for your interest, I am trying some things I hope people will like, and when I will be happy with the result I'll post a new update!

Thanks, i will be waiting :D


Love the game, all the characters have such fitting and understandable stories and personalities. Can't wait.

thanks! ^^

how long do i need to wait for the update

I played this game today and really like it so much , by the way , do you use devianart , twitter or any social media so i can watch your art , i really like Killool , he's my favourite character , i want to see art about him

I used them a few years ago, but not anymore sorry ^^''

Thanks for telling me know , will this game has another chapter ?

So far its doing good cant wait for the next update.

thx! ^^

Deleted 4 years ago
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Deleted 4 years ago

This VN sounds intriguing.  Will this be on android in the future?


i will try yes ^^

I appreciate you giving it some thought! Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question ^-^

@developer Thank you for this lighthearted, warm, beautifully drawn game.  Hope you enjoyed creating it as much as I did playing it

Thx! ^^ I did, and I'm glad you enjoy it so far!

Not to be rude, but actually what is the update 7 days ago,I'm not sure is it a real update or a mistake.

Sorry if I'm silly, hope you have a nice day:)

Well the latest update was a big one. Then I made a small one to fix mistakes

Thanks, bro


Great Game! cant wait for the full game


Thanks! ^^

Excuse me but is there a discord for this vn?

Not yet but I will definitely do one! Just need to know how exactly it works, to own a group 


Hey RitchLombaroo, your game is fun and beautiful, and the characters are fantastic, above all Ritch, even if the colors on the characters are missing.

Thanks ^^ I will, of course, color them

(1 edit)

take your time, took me 4 weeks to draw Smaug's eye


This is one of the most wonderful artworks I’ve ever seen.


thank you got the tutorial from DragoArt of all places


oh my, it's nice!




so far with the meat being illegal it sort of reminds me of Beastars


It was the reference yes ^^


still a fun visual novel glad I found this after Repeat


Hehe thanks ^^


hope you are doing well despite covid-19 ^_^


I do thanks, and you?

Shiro is my boyfriend, I can't wait to meet him again!And may I ask when will you update next time:)

Hehe thanks x3

I will make the update hopefully soon!

Excuse me When is the Android version coming?

I've got issues with the program for the android version, I'll try to fix it

Oh ok i will be waiting to play this Game I'm excited

Deleted 2 years ago

I relate to this comment on a spiritual level, after echo I just want something soft and nice.


Well glad you like my game ^^ 

It will stay lighthearthed depending on your choices ;)

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Repeat is no Mr. Bean either, it has a dark story, it's nice to just sit back and have a few laughs


still has some funny moments I took Sissel Route, how bout you?

Why stick with one route? Sissel is my go-to, but Owen is amzing in his own rights, though Phillip still needs some fleshing-out.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks! I'm glad you help my story ^^

Hehe not so many persons found out the secret ending

It looks awesome! This game will have more updates?

Of course! I barely started it! ^^

Yay! :3

I love this game. I am looking forward to seeing more of it. Please keep up the good work. I would love to see how things will play out.

Thank you!

This looks... Really good! I like the opening, it reminds me of the pokemon mystery dungeon games, but went by a bit too fast in my opinion. Other than that though, I can't wait to see how the story and characters develop! Keep up the great work!


Hehe it was my reference for the intro! Congratulations~

Particularly the Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky  versions, with the beach awakening.

yup exactly ^^ Explorers of sky is my favorite Pmd game so far

(1 edit)

I really enjoy this game, keep it up

also what is the update schedule 

When i have time to post an update x3

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

omg! this game so damn fun for me omg! omg! omg! i really like it


hehe thanks ^^


:3 <3

Awesome game so far! I enjoyed it so much, and I'm really looking forward to playing more! Btw, if you ever want to make a Spanish translation, I'd be glad to help (it's just an idea, I think it could give more people the opportunity to enjoy this masterpiece :p). Keep up the good work!


Oh i'd be glad to, but translating a whole game will take a lot of time.

Thanks for playing my game ^^

Hey, I see that there's a bit of weird wording in here? I would love to help you out with it!

Thanks but I already got 2 persons to help me ^^

Darn, well, do you happen to have discord? You seem like a cool guy :D

Deleted 4 years ago

I really want to play this! But theres no Android version

I will make one for the next update

Thx! I'm so happy

Yes please

More please

Hahaha thanks!

Does this VN allow you to have a romantic relationship with one of the characters? For example the Dragon (Shiro)?

You can become lover with one character at the time, or just friends, or neutral, or even ennemies

I see. That's good to know. Thanks! :) 

thanks for playing my game! :3

I actually really enjoy the premise of this. I hope there will be more updates, it's a surprisingly hecka fun visual novel, :D


Thank you!! :D

good i am loving this, but... monkey whit canser? XD, i think i have an idea for that... but i like this visual novel

an idea?

(1 edit)

i mean... i think the "monkey whit cancer" is not gonna give good things for the protagonist... just my thoungs

I wish this had a better hook to start the story. Finding someone stranded on a beach is a weird situation to immediately go "I'm gonna sign you up for a school" rather than "I'll bring you to a hospital".

Well I wanted to make a funny situation, like we see in many stories. Like, normal people wouldn't do that :D


Oh, sure, but the start of the game is a little violent for that. Swallowing large amounts of water is dangerous and makes one feel sick, so I'm worried about the MC's health, yo.

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